Future Model?
Not that Hailey isn't already cute enough, but she has developed what we call her "cute" pose where she tilts her head sideways while looking at you with those eyes! She has also learned how to clap and likes to join in when when she hears and sees other people clapping. This is her first pigtail, which makes mom very excited.
Yes...she is going to be a future model! Hailey is adorable! She is beautiful just like her momma! What a fun little girl. I want to cuddle her. We can't wait to see you in December. We miss you! I hope Hailey and Abby can be friends. :)
She is so cute! I'm glad you told Devan you had a blog. You can check out our blog if you want. It is http://stewarts-devantreasa.blogspot.com/
she sure is cute, I wish I could come see you guys.I have been waiting for you too post new stuff, come on where is it! =)
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